Relocation Cases
There are many reasons why a parent may wish to relocate, such as a better job opportunity or to be closer to other family members. Because of this, it is not uncommon for a primary residential parent to take legal action to relocate children away from the other parent.
Washington State family law says that, before a parent can relocate a child (who was previously named in a Washington State parenting plan) outside of the school district where the child resides, the relocating parent must give notice of the intended relocation to the other parent. The non-relocating parent then has the opportunity to contest the relocation.
Are You Seeking To Relocate With Your Child?
We can advise and represent you if you are seeking to relocate with your child to ensure that your intended relocation is processed according to the law.
Do You Wish To Prevent The Relocation Of Your Children?
We can also assist you in preventing the relocation of your children, or obtaining an alternative residential schedule with your children, if you have received notice of an intended relocation.
At Purcell Law, we are highly experienced and have a proven record of accomplishment in all types of child relocation cases. These cases often involve child custody disputes, and ultimately can become the equivalent of a child custody modification case.
Choosing A Washington Family Lawyer For Your Parental Relocation.
At Purcell Law, we have successfully represented many clients in relocation actions. If you are the primary residential parent of your child and intend to relocate your residence, or if you are a parent who has received a notice of an intended relocation, we invite you to contact our office for an appointment to discuss your rights and obligations.