Local Court info

Helping You Access Information
As we move throughout your case, this page is meant to provide to you quick links to get you to information pertinent to your case and be a resource when you need court information for your hearings (after hours or in the event you don’t have the pre-hearing website information).
We want to ensure that as our client you are well-informed and involved in your case. We hope that this information will help you feel empowered and protected throughout the legal process as the legal forum is meant to be open and accessible.
For Benton/Franklin County Cases
Benton/Franklin County Cases
View the Benton and Franklin Counties website, where you can find the Court’s daily schedule, Court dockets, and Court calendars.
Local Court Rules
View the Benton and Franklin Counties Local Court Rules (note domestic case rules start at LCR 94.04).
WebEx Information
Join a court proceeding remote, with WebEx. You will be prompted to download the appropriate software from WebEx depending on the device you are using. Tap or click the button to learn more.
For Walla Walla Cases
WebEx Information
Join a court proceeding remote, with WebEx. You will be prompted to download the appropriate software from WebEx depending on the device you are using. Tap or click the button to learn more.
Washington State Cases
Revised Code for Domestic Relations Cases
View the Revised Code of Washington that governs domestic relations cases where you can find statues that affect, or are relevant to, your family law case.
Washington State Court Rules
View the general Court Rules applicable to Washington State cases.